Danny Kostyshin is a ceramic artist in Vancouver, British Columbia.
His work comes from two seemingly different directions.
Much of his work is confrontational and deals with themes of sexuality, the environment and HIV/AIDS. His Millennium Plate Project captures a moment in time during which these concerns , as well as references to John Lennon and George Harrison and issues of the soundscape blend with his hopes and aspirations for this new millennium demonstrated in pieces such as "Gay Millennium" and "War Is Over We Gave Peace a Chance". Other artists and friends contributed with their own hopes and concerns for the New Millennium such as "Planet Iceberg" by Michael Morris.
Another aspect of his work is concerned purely with functional domestic wares. He makes stoneware teabowls, cups, plates and bowls. Recent years have seen the teabowls (chawans) featured in international chawan exhibits. Check the News section
In building this website Danny has had some 30 years of slides digitized. The quality of the slides is not consistent but illustrates the type of documentation that was often done by ceramicists before the digital age.
The website in itself is a socio-political document and Danny hopes that sharing these images will show one artist's explorations during a time of change not just in the use of ceramics as an art medium but of social and political upheaval that characterized the decades from the 60s to the Millennium.